C&S Tag
n. An oblong, yellow and pink (or yellow and blue), adhesive-backed inventory management “PICK” sticker supplied by the WAREHOUSE and placed on or near each and every separate PALLET, CASE and/or ITEM sent on the TRUCK. See also MISPICK, PICK, WAREHOUSE.NOTE: The top, smaller, yellow portion of the TAG contains just the information necessary for the CREW at the WAREHOUSE to PICK the right ITEM(S). The rest of the TAG is pink for NON-PERISHABLES (i.e., GROCERY), blue for PERISHABLES (i.e., Dairy, Meat, and Produce), and contains a description of the ITEM (i.e., its name), the date shipped, and many other facts.
Sometimes you'll see scrap TAGS that say things like “GO TO AISLE B25” or “THE NEXT LABEL HAS MULTIPLE QUANTITY.” Obviously these were instructions to the PICK CREW who built the PALLETS of LOAD.
Except for the occasional MISPICK, the C&S Tag potentially allows for an exact reconciliation between all actual ITEMS RECEIVED and the TRUCK'S BILL OF LADING.
You may wonder (as I did), what “C&S” stands for. The answer is, “Cohen and Siegel”—the two guys, Israel Cohen and Abraham Siegel, who founded C&S Wholesale Grocers back in 1918.
Sometimes you'll see scrap TAGS that say things like “GO TO AISLE B25” or “THE NEXT LABEL HAS MULTIPLE QUANTITY.” Obviously these were instructions to the PICK CREW who built the PALLETS of LOAD.
Except for the occasional MISPICK, the C&S Tag potentially allows for an exact reconciliation between all actual ITEMS RECEIVED and the TRUCK'S BILL OF LADING.
You may wonder (as I did), what “C&S” stands for. The answer is, “Cohen and Siegel”—the two guys, Israel Cohen and Abraham Siegel, who founded C&S Wholesale Grocers back in 1918.
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